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Function [up] [down]
Forces the sources2 (modulator) to "sing" with the sound of source1 (carrier).

Parameter [up] [down]
Effect (P1)how much the operator effects the outcome
BandsJust how many bands should SFX use. Less Bands means less math, but you lose out on accuracy.
StepsSFX does a transformation every sample-values. Lower values mean better quallity butlonger calculation. Steps can no be bigger than the half of the number of bands.
Window (W1)what windowfunction to use
Ampffinal amplification
EAmpfamplification for the envelopefollower
EFCoeffactor for the inertia of the envelope follower. Meaningful values are rangingfrom 0.8 to 1.0.
Src2InvShould I flip the envelope for the modulator (src2) (loud becomes quiet and reversed).

Notes [up] [down]
Sources should be of high quality. They should be rich with high tones, as the result might otherwise sound too "thin".
In some cases the result seems to be empty. Use Amplify with MaxVol to bring the sample full volume or recalculate the sample with higher Ampf- and EAmpf-values.
Speech samples as Source2 and synth-sounds as Source1 produce good results.
This operator uses the Fast-Fourier-Transformation for its calculations.

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001